
YouTube Earning Course - Most Profitable YouTube Niche Ideas | Choosing Best YouTube Channel Name

2017-08-26 16 Dailymotion

Video titile: YouTube Earning Course - Most Profitable YouTube Niche Ideas | Choosing Best YouTube Channel Name
Leture Number= 1
I have to be honest, my favorite pastime is watching YouTube videos. I think I watch more YouTube videos than I watch cable TV. A lot of people have let go of their monthly cable bills and choose instead to view YouTube on their televisions for free. Currently there are over 81 million videos available on YouTube. There's so many videos to choose from that you can spend hours upon hours on YouTube just watching videos. Some of those videos have helped me a great deal when trying to figure out how your TV works or tips and tricks for your phone. They also have some really great cooking tutorials as well. I've learned how to make some of the best fried rice by watching a YouTube video.

YouTube is great and it not only helps you fix and make things, it helps people like me and you make a living. Some people are making a great living just from their YouTube videos.

So I've come up with 10 popular and profitable niche channels that interest me and millions of others. If you're thinking of starting a YouTube channel, but just don't know where to start or what to talk about on your Channel you should check out the list below.
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► Website:➜ http://www.urdutubeplus.com/
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► Website:➜ http://www.computeritknowledge.com/
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